Mixing Grammy Records and Massaging Artist Egos | #SoundcoreSundays

Riley Mackin is the mastermind Grammy-Winning Engineer behind 2018 hit, “This is America”, but what really happens behind the records? Put your earbuds in as Riley reveals all from the recording studio.

This was a great insight into behind the scenes and what it takes to make it in the music industry. As always, leave your feedback and let us know what you thought!

Listen Here

Apple (link to be updated)


Thanks @sean.L. will listen to ot later.

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Another great podcast! Thanks for getting our questions answered can’t wait to see what you guys come up with next week


I’ll listen to it in a bit

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It was a nice podcast for sure. You didn’t talk much this time around @sean.L :joy:

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Nice podcast as always

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That is the challenge of a lot of customer facing engineering positions. Finding the right solution AND selling the customer on it.

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Also finally remembered to sub to the podcast on Spotify instead of continuing to have to click the link on here to listen


Hey, another great podcast. Wasn’t able to catch live, but gee @Loz and @Sean.L you guys really are doing a great jobs on these.

Great chemistry with Riley and nice to hear the community questions asked.

Can’t wait for the next.


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They don’t do podcasts live :wink:


:stuck_out_tongue: okay okay… fair enough… i guess i meant when scheduled… slow eye roll


Glad you liked it!

Thought you were confused lol

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It’s that time of the year when a dazed and confused person could be a :zombie: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It was a great live stream. It would be funny if people actually had like 100 Flare 2’s.