Share The Love During Lockdown!

Nailed it. I have a woman at work who could not log into a meeting even with a hyperlink that would take her there. I had to move my work laptop so that my youngest can do home work at my workstation .


We obviously can’t go to concerts right now, so many bands are streaming from their homes. For example, I’ve been watching Mike Herrera’s (of MxPx) weekly “Life in Quarantine” stream on Friday evenings. It’s a nice break from Netflix and Fortnite and it’s fun interacting with fellow fans during the shows.


:rofl: I must have not been wearing them during this picture and not as motivated lol.

I have tried to learn from my mistakes, a lot from others members pics (presentation and etc) and comments from Loz to my pics or on others pics.

I think part of what I learned is to make your colors stand out, make sure your Soundcore product is the centerpiece for the most part, presentation (over head/eye level/ props), or a do video review to the gallery (which is about a 1/4 of those picked).

So for as many that I think are good pics, I probably have just as many of these pics. :wink:


Duane , perfect.

I have made now a photo with the flares.
I will take one with my famous monkeys asap.


Yeah your props are a lot getter than my antique nut cracker squirrel. LOL


It doesnt matter much what you are “adding”.
Its the “composition” that counts.
I like that squirrel photo.
But you should not have "cut " the bottom of the charging box. :wink:


That is a great pic… great idea!! More ideas for fellow members to embrace…

Had a similar one with winner thumbs-up!

Looking forward to more innovative ideas :ok_hand:

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Great idea! will upload a video soon!

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Sir can you help me how to upload my Video entry? what are the steps? thank you :blush:

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I have not downloaded a video myself but I believe you have to

  1. Load the video to YouTube
  2. Copy the YouTube link
  3. Come to the gallery and click the share content and click the upload from YouTube as shown below.
    4 If I remember, it will provide an field so that you can enter your YouTube address.
  4. Fill out the information that is listed on the right side and then submit.

Since you are doing an entry to the contest, you will want to make sure you include the hashtag in your title to be qualified.


@Jerome_Concepcion @Duane_Lester

Make sure you use the full youtube URL else the video will not show up on the gallery!!

Example ::

Link should BE formatted like this :point_down:

h t t p s: //

Link should NOT BE like this :point_down:

h t t p s: //


Love this! And the GIFs!!!

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#LookUpLockDown Filipino Family

Our Family really loves musics. We’re not musicians nor a dancer, but we’re music lovers. We appreciate every tones, rhythm and beat so we really enjoyed and loved to express our love in musics. This video made because of the lockdown. We decided to capture our craziness, but memorable time with each other. I love my family. #LookupLockdown

My Video Content: #LookUpLockDown Filipino Family


It didn’t really hit me until just now but I…

Woke up this morning and used the L2Ps while checking the news on my phone
Cleaned up around the house with 2 Flares paired for music throughout the house
Went outside and worked in the yard with my Rave Mini
Ran a few miles with my Spirit 2s
Took a shower with the Icon that lives in the bathroom
And now I’m typing this with the Motion+ playing in the background

So thank you Soundcore for helping me keep my quarantine full of sound.


My wife and I have been going on more walks during this lockdown, sometimes just us and sometimes with the kids as well. The Motion Q comes along, and we can either listen to music with the whole family, or a conference speaker when it is just the two of us. Great sound and very portable!

And then I am on headphones at my desk all day, sometimes for meetings and sometimes for music. The Strike 3s have been comfortable and excellent at blocking out background noise in both situations, really happy to have them.

During this very trying times, Anker Soundcore products have been one of my most reliable partners/device in dealing with this crisis.
True story, i lost three love ones during this season (non-Covid related), first was my loving mom, then after 31 days was my uncle and finally, just few days ago, my sweet old grandma.
can’t move, can’t visit and can’t glance them to pay final respect, due to #LookupLockdown. I also have to dela with our healthcare facility’s online meeting requirements. Luckily, i have Anker Soundcore products (#soundcorespiritx, #soundcoreboost, #soundcorelifeq10) to keep me company enjoying what matters most in this life, being alive!! this products provided me means to uplift myself through music, interactions and communications, with such enjoyment.
So for all of you reading this, may you have an enjoyable time with your family. Make the most of it. Call your friends (there’s a very high percentage that they are at home). Peace out, we can get through this inch by inch.

Me and my sister have been locked in for months now, and I’ll admit, at first we were at each other’s throats, and fighting left and right. Eventually we found common ground. We play on the wii and xbox, and watch movies on my phone by using an aux splitter to use both of our headphones. My sister is spoiled and got really comfortable ones, but the ones I have, the speaker mesh rubs on my ears and the leather cups make me sweat. I wish I had a better pair. We enjoy our time together anyways. Even though she’s spoiled, I love her for who she is.

I’am using my soundcore liberty air 2 since a long time, and their sound is pretty good. They helped me to reduce noise issues in several zoom-meetings with colleagues, friends and family.
But with my brand new anker power conf speaker i enjoy not just phone calls and and virtual meetings. I’am surprised how much better music sounds than on my google home speakers.

My dad is disabled and I am out of work we share the master bedroom in a house we rent for 900 a month. I have to support him as much as I can. He has his tv and I use my headphones with my tv and PC. I use music and podcasts to escape from everything I love good sound quality and wish my set up was better.

Being quarantined with 2 monsters pre-schoolers means that my Flare 2 has gotten lots of use. Whether it’s to be the source of our story time or the DJ and lighting for dance parties, it’s been a lifesaver. Its durability helps it survive the abuse they put it through. On top of that, my Liberty Neo has made working at home a lot easier since I can take the call in one ear and still hear the destruction kids.

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