#SoundcoreSessions with Danny Gruff

UPDATE: For anyone who missed it, here is Danny’s livestream!

Hi guys!

The livestream starts at 12:00 PM PDT / 3:00 PM EDT on Thursday the 17th September. The link will be HERE! Check back just before it starts.

Danny Gruff is a folk acoustic singer from Manchester, England. Following the release of his self titled debut album in 2017, Danny racked over half a million streams on Spotify, a couple of sold out UK tours, and a host of new experiences to write about on his second album.

This sophomore album comes in the form of ‘Author of My Own Misfortunes’, released on 3rd April 2020.

Check out one of his tunes:

And his socials:




Can’t wait for this one guys, be sure to tune in!

P.S. We’ll also be having a giveaway for those of you who tune in and, don’t worry, we’re pretty sure this one won’t crash :wink:


Looking forward to this, hoping it won’t be FB only stream… if possible… YT too please… :heart_eyes:


This should be nice, but timing is not good for many.
@Loz, please include Amazon along with your other channels for streaming, I feel Amazon is working better than the others for me at least.


It’s on Youtube so hopefully the comment section doesn’t get crazy enough to crash it :joy:

The livestream starts at 12:00 PM PDT / 3:00 PM EDT on Thursday the 17th September. The link will be HERE! Check back just before it starts.


Hopefully there won’t be as many people so I can win :grinning:


They should try to stream on twitch.


Video at the top was pretty cool. Great vibe and good song too…

No bank holiday here today… so will hope to catch most of the live stream… see y’awl shortly…


Excited for this one! Danny is awesome! :metal:


I feel like you guys skipped over YouTube and just had it streaming from there but focused on just facebooks chat.

Was awesome stream just maybe have it in one spot since most of us followed the link you gave.


Smooth stream, great artist…

Thanks @sean.l and Danny

Congrats to Gordon, winner of the L2Ps

Until next stream…

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Yea not sure if he had 3 different chats he could see or 1 combined (not sure how that would work out tbh)

Either way, Danny was awesome!


This turned out to be a GREAT stream!! To be honest before today I had never heard of Danny Gruff or listened to any of his music but I am glad I checked it out. Danny played several of his songs as well as discussing his music in general. Seemed to be just the right amount of folks in attendance. Could keep up with the comments & short discussions about the small venue music scene in the U.K., Danny Gruff, and more. Found out once I got there they even gave away a set of the amazing looking (I do not own any Soundcore earbuds/headphones yet) Liberty 2 Pros to wrap up a great show!!
Look forward to seeing more new artists here @ Soundcore!!


Great stream today such great music!

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Thanks for the feedback!

I’m afraid it’s only @sean.L and I running these events, so if the musician is based in the UK it’s most likely they’ll happen at this time, but for US musicians, where I can fill in as host, it’ll definitely be more aligned with your time zone.


Thanks a lot for the feedback! Stick around for more #SoundcoreSessions :smiley:

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Good Stuff!

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I didn’t mind it being just past lunch… although some of my cube mates were surprised at the trumpet solo I did during one of the songs… at the urging of Danny I admit…

I kind of liked the time it was at I was able to listen while doing some homework it was great

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