Thankful For You, Presents For You!

I’m thankful for family and friends


I’m thankful even when times seem hard to always be mindful that everyday above ground is a good day.

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I’m thankful that my mom is still alive, she got cured of brain tumor.

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I am super thankful for my good health! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gratitude or thanksgiving happens when we munch😋 or focus😃 on the good things in life; even the things that we would have ignored.
With that said, I’m thankful beyond words that I come from the ultimate paradise where others vacay; Jamaica; ‘the heartbeat of the world’, even though I’m in the US now.
I’m also so so grateful for the pulse that I have; called life, my positively tilted family & friends both in Jamaica & abroad.
Continuing, last but not least, I’m thankful that I, as well those around me are Covid-19 free.:heart::v:
Thank you for this opportunity Soundcore
I would give this gift to someone precious to me.:blush:

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After the craziness of the past 18 months or so I’m thankful for my family and friends still being around and healthy…it’s also great to see so many community members still thriving :+1:

Happy thanksgiving to the US members which are celebrating today :turkey: :wine_glass: :partying_face:

Eat, drink, enjoy and stay safe as always :slight_smile:


I am thankful for my family, my friends, my football club, sports and of course music

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I am so thankful for my family and our good health!

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I’m thankful for my friends & family good health, especially during the pandemic. Hope to see ALL of them for Xmas, as well :partying_face::heart_eyes_cat::sparkling_heart::pray::turkey::man:‍:family_woman_boy::family_man_woman_girl::family_man_woman_girl_boy::family_man_woman_boy_boy::family_man_woman_girl_girl:

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I am thankful for some good teachers at school who taught me maths, critical thinking and logic.

That has help contribute to me being successful in all my ventures.


I am thankful for my family and their continuing health, my job and the ability to provide for my family, my wife for always being there through the crazy times, my dog Sunny for just being him and for everyone who I cross paths with in life.

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. and happy evening/soon to be weekend for those across the pond. Best of luck everyone!


I’m thankful for my wife and all her unconditional love and support. Everyone should have someone like that in their lives

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Am thankful for the gift of hearing and the opportunity to hear pure sound…

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Thankful to my family

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Thankful for my family (especially my mom who has had two surgeries recently) and thankful to spend time with my daughter who is back this week from college. It’s been great having her back home and getting to catch up in person.


I am thankful for Family, we are spending Thanksgiving with my sons Mother and her husband and kids. Thankfully we all get along so my wife, and I along with the kiddo drove 5 hours down to spend the holiday with them.


Thankful for the workers through all aspects of the supply chain that we rely on for convenience of groceries and bounty to enjoy on holidays like today.

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Thank you for this giveaway!

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I’m thankful for my friends and girlfriend.

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I’m Thankful for the music, the songs I’m singing
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?

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